Global warming and how it might affect deforestation. Well, in my mind at least, when I think about these two issues I think that they do not go along well together. Lets say that we are talking about the amazons and we know that it already gets really hot down there but if global warming gets worst then it is just going to get hotter and hotter and then all the water will evaporate and then where will the trees get the water that they need? Or if there is a pretty big forest up by a coast and the glaciers melt so that there is more water in the oceans then there should be the forest will get flooded and then the trees would get flooded and they might die because of all the water. Two extremes and how they might kill a bunch of trees. It isn’t quite deforestation but it is one way of getting rid of trees. We have to try and save them and try and stop global warming to prevent these situations from happening.
The climate is a big issue now a days and I have a feeling it is just going to get worse. We need to figure out a way to really help and try to fix this issue so that we can all have a longer and better life. Also so that it will not ruin our environments and our homes. Those are two important factors that should give us an incentive to go out and do something so that we can stop and look around us to see the place that we want to save. If that means stop using paper and start typing everything and saving trees that way. Or if it means carpooling everywhere or maybe it even means watch what you throw away and make sure that if you can recycle it that you do. Start with the little things and then go from there. Spread the word and make people aware of what is happening to the world around them then maybe they will change their minds and go and help you change the world. You just have to make sure that they are passionate about it as much as you are. That is probably the most important thing. You can do it just gotta believe! Anyways that for reading this week, talk to you guys soon, have a great spring break!
I'm really interested to hear more about how global warming does affect trees and how those effects plus deforestation are making things even worse. I don't know that much about deforestation but I would love to hear practical ways to help fight it! - Sophia